No Longer Props of Politician-husbands

Prashun Bhaumik |

By Sanghita Singh

Gone are the days when wives of politicians were happy essaying the role of the bhartiya nari; looking after homes and husbands. Most politician wives these days do not even want to resort to the easy route of having soft careers in politics after learning the ropes from their husbands. These days most MPs’ and ministers’ wives are enterprising women balancing dual roles; at home and at the workplace. From Sachin Pilot’s wife, Sara who has launched her NGO, to Jitin Prasada’s wife Neha Seth who is ready to produce the labour of her love over the last year and a half. Neha is all set to launch her first book titled Dining with the Maharajas which will release next month. The book is a product of extensive travels she undertook to get acquainted with old royal traditions in cuisine and the legacy being carried on in the erstwhile royal homes of India even in the present.  Interesting how, politico wives are re-inventing themselves, choosing to stay away from predictable and traditional roles of merely being props to their better halves.